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Mar 11, 2016
Parasites & Vectors
BACKGROUND: During the late summer 2012, a number of medical microbiological laboratories (MMLs) reported an unusual increase in cases of cryptosporidiosis, a gastrointestinal infection caused by the protozoan parasites Cryptosporidium spp. Prompted by this signal, the National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) started an epidemiological investigation into possible causes. Simultaneously, samples diagnosed at MMLs were sent to RIVM for genotyping, aiming to further identify the possible source of the increase. METHODS: Genotyping was performed by sequencing a fragment of the GP60 gene. Additional genotyping was performed on a subset of samples using six microsatellite markers. Population genetic analysis was performed using BEAST. RESULTS: The majority of the samples were typed as C. hominis, and a single GP60 genotype (IbA10G2) largely predominated. Genotyping microsatellite markers further supported the circulation of a single genetic type. Population genetic analysis with genotypes found in previous years is inconsistent with a decrease in effective population size. CONCLUSIONS: The conclusion of this finding is that the rise reflects more an overall increase and not a common source outbreak.

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